Cottrellville Township (St. Clair, MI)

Treasurer's Department

About the Treasurer

The Township Treasurer’s Statutory Duties and Authorities are:

  • Collects real and personal property taxes
  • Keeps an account of township receipts (revenues) and expenditures
  • Disburses township checks
  • Deposits township revenues in approved depositories
  • Invests township funds in approved investment vehicles
  • Collects delinquent personal property taxes
  • Responsible for jeopardy assessments in collecting delinquent personal property tax
  • Collects mobile home specific tax
  • Must appoint a deputy
  • Must post a surety bond
  • Member of the Township’s
  • Election Commission (general law township only, not in a charter township)

The Township Treasurer may have additional duties as directed by the Township Board or assign specific statutory duties to a deputy on their behalf.

From The Treasurer's Office

When remitting your tax payment please do not combine water and tax bill payments. If paying by check, separate checks must be made out. Thank you!

Please Note: Postmarks are NOT accepted or honored. Taxes are due in the Treasurer’s office by 5:00pm on the designated hours listed above. Please Allow 7-10 days for mailed payments. Payments left in the drop box must also be in there by 5:00pm on the final tax due date to be considered on time.

Please review your tax bill and compare the Parcel ID Number and description with your deed or abstract before paying. If you pay on the incorrect parcel, we cannot issue a refund.

Contact Information

Sara Distefano

phone: (810) 765-4730 Ext:110

Nicole Hart

phone: (810) 765-4730 Ext:102

Kathy Shew

phone: (810) 765-4730 Ext:104