The Township Supervisor’s Statutory Duties and Authorities are:
To moderate board meetings
Secretary for the Board of Review
Township’s legal agent
Must maintain records of the supervisor’s office
Develops the township’s yearly budget
Appoints some commission members (if applicable)
Member of the township’s elections commission (general law township only, not in a charter township)
May call special meetings
May appoint a deputy
May administer the oath of office
The Township Supervisor may have additional duties as a general law supervisor that are not delegated to a board-appointed manager or superintendent. The Supervisor is to see that all laws and township ordinances are enforced; to manage and supervise all public improvements, works, and undertakings of the township; to attend all meetings of the Township Board; to prepare and administer the annual budget under policies formulated by the Township Board and keep the said board fully advised at all times as to the financial condition and needs of the Township; to be responsible to the township board for the efficient administration of all departments of the township government; and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by this act or required of by ordinance or by direction of the Township Board.