Cottrellville Township (St. Clair, MI)

Planning Commission

About The Planning Commission

The Cottrellville Township Planning Commission shall have such powers concerning the preparation and adoption of a general community plan or any part thereof, the making of surveys as a basis for the plan, the approval of public improvements, the promotion of educational and publicity programs, the approval of plats, the making of reports and recommendations to the Township Board to be voted on, and such other rights, powers, duties and responsibilities as are provided by law and in accordance with the provisions of state law.


When: 4th Wednesday of the month
Where: Cottrellville Township Hall, 7008 Marsh Rd.
Time: 6:00 pm
Members: Board of seven, appointed with one Township Board Liaison

Planning Commission Members

Neil MacKenzie

Lance Surdey

Kris Rients


Carol Cushard

Roger Bialic

James Arlow

Ellen Jones

Tom Schweihofer